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Using Digital Tools to Meet the Needs of Developing Writers

This article describes some ideas for using digital tools in your writing instruction. Using digital tools can empower students by allowing them to design and share their writing in a variety of ways. The authors created an infographic that explain how using digital tools can amplify learning when students plan stories, edit and revise their stories and give/receive feedback. Also these tools can allow for audio recordings to layer writing with voice. "The audio recording feature of digital tools enables the audience to understand the messages of our youngest writers. The opportunity to layer writing with voice helps the audience read inventive spelling, interpret illustrations, and hear the emotions of the writer.”


Students as Contributors

This article by Alan November showcases how students can contribute to the learning by collaborating on a website, blog, etc where students can take turns sharing what they learned or "their notes" daily. An example of this can be found here. Students can also use various screencasting software to explain a concept or thinking to be shared with other students. An example of that can be found here and here. Some tools teachers can use to empower their students to be contributors to the learning process are listed above.

Screen Time? How about Creativity Time?

By Mitchel Resnick â€‹


Rather than trying to choose between high-tech, low-tech, and no-tech, parents and teachers should be searching for activities that will engage children in creative thinking and creative expression.

Students Must Be Prepared to Reinvent Themselves

By Christopher Dede


In my 45 years as a professor of learning technologies, I've had just one "career," yet I've had to reinvent myself many times. Thanks to the rise of social media, my instructional goals and teaching methods have completely changed in the last decade. On-the-job learning is familiar to most adults; many of us take on roles that fall outside of our .........

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